Iron Bull Crumb Rubber Bumper Plates
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Crumb rubber bumper plates are produced from recycled crumb rubber heated to a high temperature and vulcanized to produce an extremely durable bumper plate that demonstrates a high tensile strength and tear resistance.
. Solid steel core with industrial hard chromed center.
. Different weight number in different color
* For commercial usage
* Weight: 10LB, 15LB, 25LB, 35LB, 45LB
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Crumb rubber bumper plates are produced from recycled crumb rubber heated to a high temperature and vulcanized to produce an extremely durable bumper plate that demonstrates a high tensile strength and tear resistance.
. Solid steel core with industrial hard chromed center.
. Different weight number in different color
* For commercial usage
* Weight: 10LB, 15LB, 25LB, 35LB, 45LB
Call for pricing.
Crumb rubber bumper plates are produced from recycled crumb rubber heated to a high temperature and vulcanized to produce an extremely durable bumper plate that demonstrates a high tensile strength and tear resistance.
. Solid steel core with industrial hard chromed center.
. Different weight number in different color
* For commercial usage
* Weight: 10LB, 15LB, 25LB, 35LB, 45LB